About Us
Our group is focued on promoting and upholding Japanese culture, connections and traditions. We host a variety of events for both members and non-members. In addition, we participate in various cultural events hosted in San Antonio and the surrounding area.
Get Involved
- What events would you like to see JASSA at?
- How can we further help promote Japanese culture in San Antonio?
- Would you like to be involved in these events?
Our Events
Aki Matsuri (Fall Festival)
Celebrate the Season at Aki Matsuri to enjoy Japanese performances and food. The event is free, food and drink is for sale. There are also craft vendors and games for kids. JASSA would like the community of San Antonio to be known as a large collection of many cultures in one city. Not many people associate San Antonio with a Japanese-rich culture, but there are many influences and experiences that people can enjoy within the city of San Antonio that are Japanese and Asian. By providing an annual event with local artists and vendors, these experiences can be exposed in a positive light and shared with others outside of San Antonio and become an expectation of the community. This is our largest event.
Spring and Fall Language Classes
Open to all with discounts for members; a 12-class weekly course for different levels of Japanese language study.
Speech Contest
JASSA hosts a Speech Contest for high school and university students to compete on a local level, and can advance to state and national level in Japanese free speech, poetry and haiku. (February)
Shinnenkai (New Year Party)
A Potluck afternoon in January for Members to meet-up and have well wishes for the new year. We often discuss our plans, budget and events for the upcoming year and enjoy comfort foods together.
Bounenkai (End of Year Party)
A dinner in December (usually at a restaurant) for Members to meet-up and celebrate the successes and accomplishments of the year.
Attending Events
Lunar New Year Asian Festival
Hosted at the Rolling Oaks mall, JASSA has an information table at this event to share information about our organization and Japanese traditions.
San Japan
San Japan is an Anime Convention held at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center during Labor Day weekend. JASSA has an information table to encourage Japanese Language Classes and the upcoming Fall Festival and membership.
World Affairs Council Event
Often hosted at UIW’s student center, JASSA participates in this fundraiser to help showcase the 25+ countries that are represented in San Antonio.